June 27th

General Musings

[Update: June 23rd, 2024. A year has passed and we've moved from Mesa to Snowflake, AZ. It's been an amazing journey I'll chronicle later. Suffice it to say that my heart is broken, yet again, at the thought of what happened to Joseph at the hands of those he trusted.] Lingering on my mind today, as been the death of dear Joseph.

Envy, Part 1

Being Zion

This is Michael George with an essay on Envy in 7 parts. I hope you enjoy it, and that it benefits you. Here is a .pdf verson of the complete essay: PDF Transcript Update (4/27/2023): Edited and applied some Hemmingway to my usual verbose prose. I think it's a much better read now.

Complete references are given in written detail for both LDS and Restoration Edition scriptures. If you're not familiar with the Restoration Edition scriptures, I highly recommend them to you. You can browse for free at: http://scriptures.info 

Envy, Part 2

Being Zion

Envy is Complicated

Envy, Part 3

Being Zion

Beware of Envy's Path

Envy, Part 4

Being Zion

Envy Hiding

Envy, Part 5

Being Zion

Envy, Emotions, and Evil Paths

Envy, Part 6

Being Zion

Equality Overtakes Envy 

Envy, Part 7

Being Zion

A Civilization That's Just an Idea, So Far

Strong Man Model

General Musings

The strong-man behavioral model suggests a mild to extreme condition based on a self-centric world-view. The goal is to take a position as a social focal point. It is not so much about ruling, as it is about being honored and adored.

Happy Birthday, Joseph

General Musings

It is late on Christmas Eve, 2021. I’ve been thinking about this all day. Tomorrow we commemorate the birth of the Savior. I know, He was born in the Spring. No matter. We have Easter in the Spring. I’m okay with Christmas in December. I join my voice with others in celebration of the birth of our dear prophet of not so long ago.

Fellowship Discussions

General Musings

MP3 Audio File  PDF Transcript
This is an essay addressing the scope of our fellowship discussions. Those of us who gather with one of the many Remnant groups on Sundays sometimes bring into the discussions a facet of secular life that may be contentious to some. This essay addresses the issue from a perspective that, hopefully, will be helpful.

Discernment and the Spirit of Christ

General Musings

"The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool..." —Richard Feynman

"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron..." (RE 1 Tim 1:10; LDS 1 Tim 4:1-2)

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